Read this Geico auto insurance review before you decide to buy a Geico auto insurance policy. Before you commit to sending a monthly premium to Geico Car Insurance, or any other provider, you might want to make sure that you support their social policies, are comfortable with their financial solidity, and know that the policies they offer meet your coverage needs.
As one of the nation’s most recognized insurers, many folks don’t know that Geico car insurance is actually an acronym for the Government Employees Insurance Company. Although it was originally founded to aid federal employees it has always been a private organization. Now it has over 9 million policy holders in all 50 states.
Read through this Geico auto insurance review, take a look at the customer reviews of Geico insurance at the bottom of this page, and then enter your zip in on the side of the page to compare quotes from multiple auto insurance companies online.
What social policies could an organization that is popularized by a caveman and a gecko even have? Well, in 2004 Geico found itself in the middle of the gay marriage debate when it came to light that they allowed come gay married couples to take out policies under married rates, while they did not allow other couples the same benefit. This occurred in New York State which did not allow gay marriage, and the couples noted had both been married in Canada. This brought up a lot of discrimination claims from gay couples who often paid hundreds more a month in premiums. Opponents of gay marriage argued that, since gay marriage was not legal, it would be wrong for these couples to receive benefits. Geico’s biggest problem was their inconsistency in granting that status at the time. This may be less of a social commentary on the company’s part, that a legal issue that they dealt with at the time.
More recently, Geico pulled its advertising dollars from the controversial Glenn Beck show after the host called President Obama a racist and using other language labeled as hateful and divisive. They also received a 2009 Reward from Black Collegian and IMDiversity as one of the top 100 Best Employers in the Nation. If your politics or social views impact your buying habits then you will want to find out what your insurer does or does not support.
There are several ways to check up on your potential insurers before signing that policy on the dotted line. Independent ratings group monitor the insurance industry and rank them based on different criteria for financial longevity. Geico usually scores pretty well. Currently, A.M. Best gives this company an A++ and stable tag, Standard & Poor’s gives them AAA for corporate credit, and Moody’s gives them an Aa1 for financial strength while they give the holding company (Berkshire Hathaway) and Aa2. Of course, these among several of the honors and awards that Geico chooses to display on its webpage.
This positions the nation’s third largest direct auto insurer as a pretty safe bet for your money. Plus, if you believe the ads, they might be able “to save you up to 15% on your car insurance.” So is there any reason you should spend the time to look any further? Only if you want to make sure you are getting the best policy for your money.
There are a lot of car insurance providers like Geico that have solid financial backgrounds and pretty good reputations. However, every company and policy is not a perfect match for every driver. Compare your Geico auto insurance quotes with quotes from other top companies and see what you can find. Once you have finished reading though all of the auto insurance reviews on this site then get started comparing auto insurance quotes today!
One Customer Review of Geico Auto Insurance Review - Auto Insurance




Review by Angela, October 28, 2009
Great rates and great commercials!
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