Thinking about switching from your current automobile insurer to Affirmative Car Insurance? Before purchasing an auto insurance policy from Affirmative Car Insurance you might want to know a little bit about the company and read through our Affirmative auto insurance reviews.
The coverage options, discounts, and perks that they offer will probably be of interest too. Lastly, more likely than not you will want to find out how the premiums from Affirmative Car Insurance stack up to their competitors in terms of cost.
Read through this Affirmative auto insurance review, browse through the customer reviews of Affirmative car insurance below, and then enter your zip on the side of the page to compare free car insurance quotes from many different auto insurance companies.
Affirmative Car Insurance handles policy administration, claims, marketing, and actuary functions of other carriers. They specialize in non-standard car insurance and have their own network of independent agents. These agents are selected for their knowledge and experience in the insurance industry. Affirmative Car Insurance has processing centers that are located in Chicago and Dallas. Currently, they sell car insurance policies in five Midwest states: Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, New Mexico and Texas.
In Indiana, Affirmative Car Insurance partners with Insura Property and Casualty Insurance Company to offer liability, comprehensive, collision, medical payment, underinsured/uninsured motorist, special equipment, towing, rental, and non-owner coverage. Liability is the minimum insurance coverage offered and is required by law in most states unless you can provide other proof of financial responsibility. Proof of financial responsibility is when you provide evidence that money has been put aside to cover costs that result from an accident. Collision insurance pays for damages that are the result of your vehicle coming into contact with another automobile or object and comprehensive insurance covers any damages to your vehicle that are not the result of a collision.
Medical payment insurance assists with medical costs for the insured or their passengers in the event of an accident. Underinsured/uninsured motorist provides coverage if the insured is in an accident with an underinsured or uninsured person. Special equipment insurance covers loss of non-standard equipment on a vehicle, like roll bars and spoilers. Towing insurance will provide towing to the nearest repair shop in the event that your automobile is disabled. Rental insurance provides a rental car while your car is in the shop after an accident. Non-owner insurance is for those who do not own a car but want to have coverage for those times when they need to drive either someone else’s car or a rental.
Affirmative Car Insurance provides Indiana residents with anti-theft, defensive driving, good student, homeowner, multi-car, transfer, renewal, and custodial single parent discounts. Anti-theft discounts are given for having purchased anti-theft devices like wheel locks or tracking devices for your vehicle. Defensive driving discounts are awarded to those who have taken a defensive driving course. Students with good grades can qualify for good student discounts. Putting more than one car on the same policy can qualify you for a multi-car discount. Homeowners who insure their home with the same company as their automobile can receive a homeowners discount. Single parents whose children live with them can also qualify for a discount on their car insurance.
Affirmative Car Insurance offers several services in Indiana. They offer direct deposit of premiums. They provide immediate processing of certificates of insurance. Payments, reinstatements, inquiries, claims reporting and endorsements can be done on-line. They process ID cards and DEC pages, which prove prior insurance coverage with out a lapse. In addition, Affirmative Car Insurance has a network of direct repair facilities. Affirmative also offers monthly payment plans and down payment plans with as little as 9% down. Policies are available for either 6 or 12 month terms.
The coverage, discounts and services offered by Affirmative Car Insurance in Illinois differ from those of Indiana only in that they do not provide point of sale processing of DEC pages and ID cards. Coverage, discounts and services for Missouri are the same as those Affirmative provides to Indiana. Affirmative Car Insurance offerings in New Mexico differ from Indiana in that they do not provide non-owner insurance coverage and they do not have defensive driver, good student, renewal, custodial and single parent discounts but do have a discount for safe senior drivers. New Mexico policies have terms of 1 or 6 months and are provided through Vesta Fire Insurance Corporation.
Coverage types that Affirmative Car Insurance provides in Texas are similar to that of Indiana with the exception that non-owner insurance is not offered but they do have personal injury insurance and Mexico limited insurance. The discounts available in Texas are different as well in that they do not provide discounts for defensive driving, good students, anti-theft devices or custodial parents but do have a discount for those who chose to pay in full. Policies in Texas are available in 1, 3, 6, and 12 month terms and are provided through Old American County Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
If you are interested in seeing what the car insurance coverage you need will cost through Affirmative Car Insurance and how their prices compare to those of other insurers, why not perform a price comparison? When you are done reading through the various auto insurance reviews then you can get free rate quotes from companies like Affirmative Car Insurance and other comparable companies using the rate quote tool above. Start with your five digit zip code, and end up with a number of offers to compare. Why not start now!
2 Customer Reviews of Affirmative Auto Insurance Reviews - Auto Insurance


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Review by Randy Krapf, September 5, 2013
Unable to even speak to an adjuster or get a call back after initially filing a claim and being told I would receive a call from adjuster within 24 hours.
Review by P., September 26, 2013
Affirmative is an awful company to use! I had a theft claim and was denied after two weeks of waiting around and I had to call and call to find out anything In which their customer service reps are so unprofessional and dumb!! They don’t want to pay not one dollar for my vehicle!! Never dare try em! Never!!
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